An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2022 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16019 entries, 14077 authors and 1941 subjects. Updated: July 25, 2024


1 entries
  • 5414.1

Mr. Maitland’s account of inoculating the small pox.

London: For the author by J. Downing, 1722.

Maitland inoculated the children of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu in 1721, and also inoculated six condemned prisoners as part of the so-called “Royal Experiment”. Success with these trials lead to his inoculation of the children of the Prince of Wales, and to the popularization of inoculation in England.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Smallpox › Variolation or Inoculation