An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2022 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16039 entries, 14120 authors and 1945 subjects. Updated: October 27, 2024

Browse by Entry Number 4300–4399

137 entries
  • 4300

L’art de guérir les maladies des os. Ou l'on traite des luxations & des fractures, avec les instrumens necessaires & une machine de nouvelle invention pour les reduire: ensemble des exostoses & des caries, des anchyloses, des maladies des dents, & de la charte ou rachitis, maladie ordinaire aux enfans.

Paris: L. d’Houry, 1705.

Petit was the first director of the Académie de Chirurgie, Paris. He is particularly remembered for his work on bone diseases. He invented the screw tourniquet, gave the first account of osteomalacia, and was first to open the mastoid process. New edition entitled Traité des maladies des os, 2 vols., 1723; English translation of latter, 1726. See Nos. 3357 & 3577.

Subjects: DENTISTRY, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments
  • 4301

L’orthopédie ou l’art de prévenir et de corriger dans les enfans, les difformités du corps. 2 vols.

Paris: La veuve Alix, 1741.

The first book specifically on orthopedics, which term Andry himself introduced. He advised attention to proper posture in the prevention and correction of spinal curvature; he had a practical knowledge of body mechanics. This is also the first book on diseases of children to include mention of chlorosis. English translation, 2 vols., 1743, reproduced in facsimile, Philadelphia, 1961. German translation, Berlin, 1744.

  • 4302

De iis, qui ex tuberculis gibberosi fiunt.

Leipzig: ex. off. Langenhemiana, 1744.

Platner affirmed the tuberculous nature of humpback, which had earlier been surmised by Hippocrates and confirmed by Galen.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4302.1

Nouvelles observations, ou méthode certaine sur le traitement des cors.

The Hague & Paris: P. Alex. le Prieur, 1762.

The first formally published pamphlet (45pp.) on podiatry or chiropody. Rousselot argued that podiatry should become a specialty of surgery. Author's first name is unknown. Digital facsimile from BnF Gallica at this link.

Subjects: Podiatry
  • 4302.2

Sur un enfant auquel il manquoit les deux clavicules, le sternum et les cartilages, qui dans l’état naturel l’attachent aux côtes.

Hist. Acad. roy. Sci. (Paris), (1760), 47-48, 1766.

First description of cleido-cranial dysostosis.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Cranialfacial Disorders, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases , PEDIATRICS, PLASTIC & RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY › Cranialfacial Surgery
  • 4303

Dissertation sur les effets du mouvement et du repos dans les maladies chirurgicales.

Paris: Vve. Vallet-La-Chapelle, 1779.

Includes a description of Pott’s disease, with post-mortem findings, better than Pott’s own account. This is an important early work on the effect of movement and of rest in the treatment of joint conditions. English translation, 1790.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis › Tuberculous Spondylitis (Pott's Disease), ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4304

Remarks on that kind of palsy of the lower limbs, which is frequently found to accompany a curvature of the spine.

London: J. Johnson, 1779.

“Pott’s disease”. Percival Pott, surgeon to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital for more than 40 years, left a classic description of spinal curvature due to tuberculous caries and causing paralysis of the lower limbs. He did not, however, recognize its tuberculous nature. Pott published a further book on the subject in 1782. Reprinted in Med. Classics, 1936, 1, 281-328.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis › Tuberculous Spondylitis (Pott's Disease), ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4304.1

Dissertatio medica descriptionem et casus aliquot osteomalaciae sistens.

Uppsala, Sweden: J. Edman, 1788.

In his doctoral thesis Ekman gave an account of osteogenesis imperfecta in three generations. For extensive translation see No. 4404.1. K.S. Seedorff, Osteogenesis imperfecta, Copenhagen, 1949.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Hereditary Disorders of the Skeleton › Osteogenesis Imperfecta, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases
  • 4305

Description de plusieurs nouveaux moyens mécaniques propres à prevénir, borner et même corriger dans certains cas les courbures latérales et la torsion de l’épine du dos.

Lausanne: [Privately Printed], 1788.

Venel stressed the necessity for prolonged periods of recumbency, rather than exercise, in the correction of spinal curvature. He invented a corset and extension bed for treating spinal deformities. His extension bed gave an entirely new direction to treatment and was widely adopted. In 1790 he founded at Orbe, Switzerland, the first orthopedic hospital. The pamphlet was reprinted in Mém. Soc. Sci. phys. Lausanne, 2, 66-, 197-. (1789). Digital facsimile of the 1788 pamphlet from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Devices, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Spine
  • 4305.1

Dissertation sur la meilleure forme des souliers.

The Hague: Aux depens de l'Auteur, 1781.

Classic discussion of childhood shoe-induced deformities. There was also an edition in Dutch published the same year. Digital facsimile of the edition in French from the Internet Archive at this link. English translation in Dowie, The foot and its covering, London, 1861. Digital facsimile of Downie's book from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Foot / Ankle, Podiatry
  • 4306

Abbildungen und Beschreibungen einiger Misgeburten.

Mainz: Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1791.

Achondroplasia is first described on page 30 and pictured on plate 11. English translation in No. 2241.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Hereditary Disorders of the Skeleton › Achondroplasia, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases
  • 4307

A practical essay on a certain disease of the bones termed necrosis.

Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1794.

One of the first attempts at a complete and detailed description of necrosis. Russell was the first Professor of Clinical Surgery at Edinburgh.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4308

Memoria chirurgica sui piedi torti congenita dei fanciulli.

Pavia: G. Comini, 1803.

First accurate description of the pathological anatomy of congenital club-foot. English translation, Edinburgh, 1818.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Hereditary Disorders of the Skeleton, GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Hereditary Disorders of the Skeleton › Clubfoot, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Foot / Ankle, Podiatry
  • 4308.1
  • 5582

Practical observations in surgery.

London: T. Cadell, jun., 1803.

Hey is remembered for “Hey’s saw” and “Hey’s internal derangement of the knee,” a phrase that he coined. He was an outstanding surgeon in his day; he founded and was senior surgeon of the General Infirmary, Leeds. He devised a type of amputation of the foot (“Hey’s amputation”). His book includes the description of the falciform ligament of the saphenous opening, “Hey’s ligament”. Hey described subacute osteomyelitis of the tibia before Brodie (No. 4311). He may have become interested in the knee after banging his own knee while getting out of a bath in 1773. He remained lame for the rest of his life. 

Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Surgical Instruments, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Foot / Ankle, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Knee, SURGERY: General
  • 4309

An account of a successful method of treating diseases of the spine.

London: Longman, 1813.

By his advocacy of absolute rest in the horizontal position without the aid of caustics and setons, Baynton can be said to have introduced the modern treatment of spinal caries in England. The book is dedicated to Edward Jenner.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Devices, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Spine
  • 4310

De rachitide congenita.

Berlin: typ. C. A. Plateni, 1817.

Classic description of achondroplasia. Romberg’s graduation thesis. English translation (Sydenham Society), 1853.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Hereditary Disorders of the Skeleton › Achondroplasia, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases
  • 4311

Pathological and surgical observations on the diseases of the joints.

London: Longman, 1818.

Brodie’s best work. It includes his description of hysterical pseudo-fracture of the spine and the first clinical description of ankylosing spondylitis. The fifth edition, 1850, gives (p. 77) a description of “Brodie’s disease” – chronic synovitis with a pulpy degeneration of the affected parts.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4312
  • 5741.1

Chirurgie clinique de Montpellier. 2 vols.

Paris: Gabon, 18231828.

Delpech's work includes the first account of rhinoplasty in France. On 4 June 1823, Delpech performed the first of six cases of rhinoplasty by the Indian forehead flap method, and one (unsuccessful) with a flap from the arm following von Graefe (No. 5738). Delpech also was the first to restore the lower lip by means of a skin graft from the throat.

Delpech devoted pp. 147-231 of vol. 1 to Considerations sur la difformité appelé pied-bots. In this he described on pp. 184-192 the beneficial effect of section of the tendo Achillis for club-foot; he performed the operation on May 9, 1816, and although not first to do so, he was the first to demonstrate the value of tenotomy in the correction of contracture deformities of the extremities.



Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Foot / Ankle, PLASTIC & RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY › Rhinoplasty, Podiatry
  • 4313

Observations on the pathology and treatment of necrosis.

Philad. month. J. Med., 1, 11-19, 66-75., Philadelphia, 1827.

Classic early account of osteomyelitis. Smith trephined for bone necrosis. Reproduced in Med. Classics, 1937, 1, 820-38.

  • 4314

On trephining the tibia.

Lond. med. Gaz., 2, 70-74, 1828.

“Brodie’s abscess”. The patient was first seen in 1824. Brodie published an account of some further cases in Med.-chir. Trans., 1832, 17, 239-49, which paper is reprinted in Med. Classics, 1938, 2, 900-06.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4315

De l’orthomorphie. 2 vols. and atlas.

Paris: Gabon, 1828.

Delpech, Professor of Surgery at Montpellier, published a comprehensive treatise on deformities of the bones and joints. He established the tuberculous nature of Pott’s disease. Delpech did more than any other man toward the development of orthopedics in France.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis › Tuberculous Spondylitis (Pott's Disease), ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments
  • 4316

Some remarks on morbus coxarius, with an account of Dr. P. S. Physick’s method of treating this disease.

Amer. J. med. Sci., 7, 299-308, 1830.

Randolph was the son-in-law of Philip Syng Physick. Physick’s method “consisted in the application of a carved splint, which would keep the limb strictly at rest, and prevent the least possible motion of the joint; and also in the prosecution of a course of active and long continued purging”.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Devices
  • 4316.1

The anatomy, physiology, and diseases of the bones and joints.

Philadelphia: John Grigg, 1830.

The first American treatise on orthopedics. In his autobiography Gross wrote that, “The title was unfortunate; it should have been A practical treatise on fractures and dislocations, with an account of the diseases of the bones and joints”.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Fractures & Dislocations
  • 4317

De la rétraction des doigts par suite d’une affection de l’aponévrose palmaire, opération chirurgicale qui convient dans ce cas.

J. univ. hebd. Méd. Chir. prat., 2 sér., 5, 352-65, 1831.

Dupuytren devised an operation for the treatment of contracture of the palmar fascia (“Dupuytren’s contracture”). Reprinted, with translation, in Med. Classics, 1939, 4, 127-50. The condition was first mentioned by Platter, No. 4297.9.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › GENETIC DISORDERS › Dupuytren's Contracture, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Hand / Wrist, PLASTIC & RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY › Hand, Surgery of
  • 2288
  • 2901
  • 4318

Traité d’anatomie pathologique. 2 vols. and atlas.

Paris: F. G. Levrault, 18291833.

Includes a historical review of the subject from the time of the Ancient Egyptians to Corvisart, and a summary of the advances in pathology during the preceding 50 years. Vol. 2, pp. 553-600 deals with diseases of the arteries. Lobstein wrote an important section on ossification of arteries, and was first to use the word “arteriosclérose” (on p. 550). Vol. 2, pp. 204-12  "De la fragilité des os, ou de l’ostéopsathyrose" describes osteopsathyrosis (“Lobstein’s disease”), osteogenesis imperfecta, earlier described by Ekman (No. 4304.1).



Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Arterial Disease, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases , PATHOLOGY, PATHOLOGY › History of Pathology, PATHOLOGY › Pathology Illustration
  • 4319

Aufsätze und Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Medizin, Chirurgie und Staatsarzneikunde. 1, 196.

Berlin: T.C.F. Enslin, 1834.

First description of “Rust’s disease” – tuberculous spondylitis of the cervical vertebrae.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis › Tuberculous Spondylitis (Pott's Disease), ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4320

Die Durchschneidung der Achillessehne, als Heilmethode des Klumpfusses, durch zwei Fälle erläutert.

Mag. ges. Heilk., 39, 195-218, 1833.

Successful tenotomy for clubfoot established the reputation of Stromeyer as an orthopedic surgeon.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Hereditary Disorders of the Skeleton › Clubfoot, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Foot / Ankle, Podiatry
  • 4321

Beiträge zur operativen Orthopädik.

Hannover: Helwing, 1838.

Stromeyer is the founder of modern surgery of the locomotor system. He advocated and practised subcutaneous tenotomy for all deformities of the body arising from muscular defects.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments
  • 4322

Leçons orales de clinique chirurgicale. 2me. éd. Tom. 3.

Paris: Germer Baillière, 1839.

Pp. 455-61: Dupuytren was the first to treat wry neck by subcutaneous section of the sternomastoid muscle. This he did on 16 Jan, 1822. The operation was first reported in C. Averill: Short treatise on operative surgery, London, 1823, 61-64. See No. 5590.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments
  • 4322.1

On the nature of club-foot and analogous distortions.

London: Jeffs, 1839.

Little suffered from club-foot himself. This is the greatest English classic on the subject. See No. 4329.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Hereditary Disorders of the Skeleton › Clubfoot, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Foot / Ankle, Podiatry
  • 4322.2

Operations on club-feet.

Boston med. surg. J., 21, 153-59, 1839.

Brown was the first surgeon in the United States to specialize in orthopedics, founding the Orthopedic Infirmary of the City of Boston (soon renamed the Boston Orthopedic Institution) in 1838. Brown was also the first in New England to popularize tenotomies for club–feet.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Hereditary Disorders of the Skeleton › Clubfoot, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Foot / Ankle, Podiatry
  • 4323

Ueber die Durchschneidung der Sehnen und Muskeln.

Berlin: A. Förster, 1841.

Report on 140 cases of tenotomy for treatment of club-foot.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Foot / Ankle, Podiatry
  • 4323.1

Excision of a portion of the scapula.

Lancet, 1, 917-18, 18421843.

First description of operation for partial excision of scapula.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Shoulder
  • 4324

The knee-joint anchylosed at a right angle – restored nearly to a straight position after the excision of a wedge-shaped portion of bone, consisting of the patella, condyles and articular surface of the tibia.

Amer. J. med. Sci., n.s. 10, 277-84, 1845.

Buck’s operation, “one of the more spectacular surgical feats by an American surgeon in the first half of the nineteenth century” (Rutkow). The paper is reprinted in Med. Classics, 1939, 3, 791-99.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Knee
  • 4325

A treatise on corns, bunions, the diseases of nails, and the general management of the feet.

London: Simpkin, Marshall, 1845.

Durlacher, surgeon chiropodist to Queen Victoria, gave the first description of anterior metatarsalgia (p. 52), to which the name “Morton’s metatarsalgia” has been given (see No. 4341). Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, Podiatry
  • 4325.1

On the microscopical character of mollifies ossium.

Dublin Quart. J. med. Sci., 2, 85-95, 1846.

Report of the histological examination of bone material containing multiple myeloma from the patient described by Macintyre (No. 4327).

Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Multiple Myeloma, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4326

On a new substance occurring in the urine of a patient with mollities ossium.

Phil. Trans., 138, 55-62, 1848.

Bence Jones described the myelopathic albumosuria (Bence Jones proteinuria) seen in Macintyre’s patient (No. 4327). Preliminary notes in Lancet, 1847, 2, 88, and Proc. roy. Soc. Lond., 1847, 5, 673.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4326.1

Grosses Enchondrom (Gallertknorpel-Geschwulst) des Schulterblattes; Exstirpation des ganzen Schulterblattes mit Ausnahme des Processus coracoides am 6 Febr.; Tod am 7 Febr.

Dtsch. Klinik, 2, 73-76, 1850.

Complete excision of the scapula.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Shoulder
  • 4327

Case of mollities and fragilitas ossium.

Med.-chir. Trans., 33, 211-32, 1850.

Multiple myeloma first described.

Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Multiple Myeloma, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4328

Nieuwe wijze van aanwending van het gips-verband bij beenbreuken. Eene bijdrage tot de militaire chirurgie.

Haarlem: van Loghem, 1852.

Introduction of the modern plaster of Paris bandage. Two different French translations of the above work were published in journals in 1852-53. In 1854 Mathijsen published two separate expanded French versions, of which that published in Liège was illustrated. The original edition plus the Liège version were reprinted with an introduction and bibliography, by G.J. Bremer, Nieuwkoop, 1962. English translation in Bick, Classics of orthopaedics, 66-71.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Devices
  • 4329
  • 4735

On the nature and treatment of the deformities of the human frame.

London: Longman, 1853.

Little was the first eminent orthopedic surgeon in the British Isles. He studied under Stromeyer and, in 1838, he founded the Orthopaedic Institution, now the (Royal) National Orthopaedic Hospital, London. The above work is an elaboration of lectures delivered in 1843.

Early description of progressive muscular dystrophy (p. 14).

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Degenerative Disorders, NEUROLOGY › Myopathies, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4330

Zur Pathologie des menschlichen Fusses.

Med. Zeitung, 24, 169, 175, 1855.

First description of osteoperiostitis of the metatarsal bones, named “Busquet’s disease” after the latter’s description of it in Rev. Chir. (Paris), 1897, 17, 1065.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4331

Exsection of the head of the femur and removal of the upper rim of the acetabulum, for morbus coxarius, with perfect recovery.

N. Y. J. Med., n.s. 14, 70-82, 1855.

Resection of the hip for ankylosis.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Hip
  • 4332

Hochgradige Dislocation der Scapula.

Arch. klin. Chir., 4, 304-11, 1863.

First description of congenital high-scapula “Sprengel’s deformity”; see also No. 4359.

  • 4333

Contractur des Metatarsus.

Z. rat. Med., 3 R., 17, 188-94, 1863.

Congenital metatarsus varus described.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Hereditary Disorders of the Skeleton › Metatarsus Adductus, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases
  • 4334

Lectures on orthopaedic surgery.

Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston, 1864.

Before emigrating to America, Bauer studied under Stromeyer. Hugh Owen Thomas considered him “the first exponent of American orthopaedics”. This is the first comprehensive American textbook of orthopedics. First published in Phila. med. surg. Rep., 1862.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments
  • 4335

Ueber einen Fall von cystoider Entartung des ganzen Skelettes.

Giessen: F. C. Pietsch, 1864.

First description of osteitis fibrosa cystica – hyperparathyroid bone disease, also known as “von Recklinghausen’s disease of bone”.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4336

A description of the diseased conditions of the knee-joint which require amputation of the limb, and those conditions which are favourable to excision of the joint.

London: John Churchill, 1865.

A valuable contribution to the knowledge and surgical treatment of diseases of the knee-joint.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Knee
  • 4336.1

Traité expérimentale et clinique de la régenération des os. 2 vols.

Paris: Victor Masson, 1867.

Ollier pioneered research in bone allografting.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Bone Grafts
  • 4337
  • 4777

Sur quelques arthropathies qui paraissent dépendre d’une lésion du cerveau ou de la moëlle épinière.

Arch. Physiol. norm. path., 1, 161-78, 1868.

Charcot called attention to tabetic arthropathy, a condition which has since borne his name, while the tabetic joints he so well described are now known as “Charcot’s joints”.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Neurosyphilis, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4338

Case of osteoporosis, or spongy hypertrophy of the bones (calvaria, clavicle, os femoris, and rib).

Trans. path. Soc. Lond., 20, 273-77, 18681869.

A classic account of osteitis deformans. Wilks was associated with Guy’s Hospital all his life. A kindly, charming man, he was described by Osler as one of the handsomest men in London in his time, even until the age of 70.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4339

Ueber hereditäre Knochensyphilis bei jungen Kindern.

Virchows Arch. path. Anat., 50, 305-22, 1870.

“Wegner’s disease” – osteochondritic separation of the epiphyses in congenital syphilis.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES › Syphilis, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases
  • 4339.1

On bone-setting (so-called), and its relation to the treatment of joints crippled by injury, rheumatism, inflammation, etc.

London: Macmillan, 1871.

The first work on manipulation written by a physician. Digital facsimile from the Medical Heritage Library, Internet Archive, at this link.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Fractures & Dislocations
  • 4339.2

De la périarthrite scapulo-humérale et des raideurs de l’épaule qui en sont la conséquence.

Arch. gén. Méd., 20, 513-42, 1872.

“Frozen shoulder” syndrome described.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Shoulder
  • 4340

Diseases of the hip, knee and ankle joints, with their deformities, treated by a new and efficient method.

Liverpool: T. Dobb & Co, 1875.

Thomas splint. Enlarged second edition, 1876. See No. 4348.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Devices, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Foot / Ankle, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Hip, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Knee, Podiatry
  • 4341

A peculiar and painful affection of the fourth metatarso-phalangeal articulation.

Amer. J. med. Sci., Philadelphia, 71, 37-45, 1876.

First complete description of anterior metatarsalgia (“Morton’s disease”). See also No. 4325.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, PAIN / Pain Management, Podiatry
  • 4342

On the formation of synovial cysts in the leg in connection with disease of the knee joint.

St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., 13, 245-61; 1885, 21, 177-90, 1877.

“Baker’s cysts” of the knee-joint. Reprinted in Med. Classics, 1941, 5, 785-820.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4342.1

Lectures on orthopaedic surgery and diseases of the joints.

New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1876.

See Nos. 4344 & 4344.1.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments
  • 4343

On a form of chronic inflammation of bones (osteitis deformans).

Med.-chir. Trans., 60, 37-64; 65, 225-36, 1877, 1882.

Paget was at one time Sergeant Surgeon to Queen Victoria. His classic description of osteitis deformans led that condition to be called “Paget’s disease”. Reprinted in Med. Classics, 1936, 1, 29-71.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4344

Report on Pott’s disease, or caries of the spine; treated by extension, and the plaster of Paris bandage.

Trans. Amer. med. Ass., 27, 573-629, 1876.

Sayre was the first to use plaster of Paris as a support for the spinal column in scoliosis and Pott’s disease. His name is eponymically linked with Sayre’s jacket, a plaster of Paris jacket applied while the patient is suspended by the head and axillae, and with Sayre’s suspension apparatus, a tripod derrick with rope and pulley for head traction during the application of a plaster of Paris jacket.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis › Tuberculous Spondylitis (Pott's Disease), ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases › Scoliosis, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Devices, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Spine
  • 4344.1

Spinal disease and spinal curvature, their treatment by suspension and the use of the plaster of Paris bandage.

London: Smith, Elder, 1877.

Sayre’s monograph on his methods of treating tuberculosis of the spine and scoliosis is the first American surgical textbook to contain actual mounted photographs, some of which are remarkable for their artistic qualities. The book was first published in London while Sayre was a delegate to the British Medical Congress. The virtually identical American edition was published in Philadelphia by Lippincott, also in 1877.

Subjects: ART & Medicine & Biology, IMAGING › Photography / Photomicrography , INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis › Tuberculous Spondylitis (Pott's Disease), ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases › Scoliosis, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Devices, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Spine
  • 4345

Die spontane Subluxation der Hand nach vorne.

Verh. dtsch. Ges. Chir., 7, pt. 2, 259-76, 1878.

“Madelung’s deformity” of the wrist. Madelung regarded the condition as a defect of growth of the wrist joint.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4346

Sarcoma of the long bones; based upon a study of one hundred and sixty-five cases.

Amer. J. med. Sci., n.s. 78, 17-57, 338-77, 1879.

First comprehensive work on bone sarcoma.

Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Sarcoma › Osteosarcoma, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4346.1

Ein Fall von sogenannter Myositis ossificans progressiver.

Aerztl. Intelligenz-Bl., 26, 485-89, 1879.

Helferich described the association of microdactyly with myositis ossificans progressiva.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases
  • 4346.2

Observations concerning transplantation of bone. Illustrated by a case of inter-human osseous transplantation, whereby over two-thirds of the shaft of a humerus was restored.

Proc. R. Soc. (Lond)., 32, 232-47, 1881.

First allograft transplantation of bone in humans.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Bone Grafts, TRANSPLANTATION
  • 4347

Einige Fälle von kunstlicher Ankylosenbildung an paralytischen Gliedmassen.

Wien. med. Presse, 23, 725-28, 1882.

Albert introduced the concept of joint arthrodesis into orthopedic surgery. This is the first description of arthrodesis of an ankle for paralytic foot. English translation in Bick, Classics of orthopaedics, 52-54.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Foot / Ankle, Podiatry
  • 4348

Contributions to surgery and medicine. 8 pts.

London: H. K. Lewis, 18831890.

Thomas was the veritable founder of modern orthopedics in the British Isles. The conservative methods introduced by him were developed by Sir Robert Jones. Thomas is remembered eponymically by the “Thomas splint”.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS , ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Devices, Podiatry
  • 2229
  • 4349

Lehrbuch der speciellen Pathologie und Therapie der inneren Krankheiten. 2 vols.

Leipzig: F. C. W. Vogel, 18831884.

Strümpell gave an excellent description of ankylosing spondylitis (“Strümpell’s disease”, the “spondylose rhizomélique” of Pierre Marie, No. 4368) on p. 152 of his Lehrbuch. See No. 2229. He published an important paper on the subject in Dtsch. Z. Nervenheilk., 1897, 11, 338-42, which was translated into English in Bick, Classics of orthopaedics, 345-47. More than 30 editions of this book appeared, many translated into other languages. English translation in 1887.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Congenital Rheumatologic Diseases › Ankylosing Spondylitis, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, RHEUMATOLOGY
  • 4350

Ueber freie Körper in den Gelenken.

Dtsch. Z. Chir., 27, 90-109, 1888.

König of Göttingen was the first to use the term “osteochondritis dissecans”.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4351

Zur Symptomatologie des multiplen Myeloms.

Prag. med. Wschr., 14, 33-35, 44-49, 1889.

“Kahler’s disease” – multiple myeloma.

Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Multiple Myeloma, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4352

Exostoses multiples.

Mém. C. R. Soc. Sci. Méd. Lyon, (1889), 29, 2: 12, 1890.

“Ollier’s disease”. He described a form of dyschondroplasia.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4353

Treatise on orthopedic surgery.

New York: W. Wood & Co., 1890.

Includes a description of the “Bradford frame”, used in the treatment of spinal disorders.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Devices, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Spine
  • 4354

De l’ostéo-arthropathie hypertrophiante pneumonique.

Rev. Méd., 10, 1-36, 1890.

Original description of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, sometimes called “Bamberger–Marie disease”.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4355

Zur operativen Behandlung der angeborenen Hüftgelenksverrenkungen.

Verh. dtsch. Ges. Chir., 19, 44-53, 1890.

Hoffa’s method of operative treatment of congenital dislocation of the hip-joint.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases , ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Hip
  • 4356

Lehrbuch der orthopädischen Chirurgie .

Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke, 1891.

Hoffa, a leading German orthopedist, made important contributions to the subject and founded the Zeitschrift für orthopädische Chirurgie.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments
  • 4357

Traumatische rarefizierende Ostitis.

Verh. Ges. Dtsch. Naturf. Aerzte, (1891), 282-85, 1892.

“Kümmell’s disease”. He described a form of traumatic spondylitis.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4358

Die fibröse oder deformirende Ostitis, die Osteomalacie und die osteoplastische Carcinose in ihren gegenseitigen Beziehungen. In: Festschrift R. Virchow.

Berlin: G. Reimer, 1891.

Recklinghausen gave an important description of generalized osteitis fibrosa. His reference to the earlier case reported by Engel (see No. 4335) has led to this condition being sometimes referred to as “Engel–Recklinghausen disease” or “von Recklinghausen’s disease of bone”.

Subjects: ENDOCRINOLOGY, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4359
  • 4427

Die angeborene Verschiebung des Schulterblattes nach oben.

Arch. klin. Chir., 42, 545-49, 1891.

Classic description of “Sprengel’s deformity”, a congenital upward displacement of the scapula.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases , ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Shoulder
  • 4359.1

Wiring of the vertebrae as a means of immobilization in fracture and Pott’s disease.

Med. Times Reg., 22, 423-425, 1891.

“In a case of fracture-dislocation of the cervical spine (C 6-7) he [Hadra] performed open reduction, twisting metal wires around the spinous processes to stabilize the injured sector” (Bick). This is the first report of any type of spinal surgical immobilization being planned and successfully carried out.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis › Tuberculous Spondylitis (Pott's Disease), ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Devices, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Fractures & Dislocations, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Spine
  • 4359.2

Wiring the spinal processes in Pott’s disease.

Trans. Amer. Orthop. Ass., 4, 206-08, 1891.

First spinal fusion.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis › Tuberculous Spondylitis (Pott's Disease), ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Devices, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Spine
  • 4360

Oderevenielost pozvonochnika s iskrivleniyem yevo, kak osobaya forma zabolievaniya. [Ankylosis of the spine with curvature as a special form of disease.]

Vrach, 13, 899-903, 1892.

Bechterev’s disease – ankylosing spondylitis, previously described by Strümpell. A German translation of the paper is in Neurol. Zbl., 1893, 12, 426-34.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, RHEUMATOLOGY
  • 4361

Untersuchungen über die sogenannte foetale Rachitis (Chondrodystrophia foetalis).

Berlin: Reimer, 1892.

First study of the cartilage changes in achondroplasia.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases
  • 4362

De la pseudo-paralysie générale arthritique.

Rev. Méd., 12, 280-85, 1892.

First description of “Klippel’s disease”, arthritic general pseudoparalysis.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, RHEUMATOLOGY
  • 4363

A new operation for paralytic talipes valgus, and the enunciation of a new surgical principle.

N.Y. med. J., 56, 402-03, 1892.

First successful tendon transplantation.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Foot / Ankle, Podiatry, TRANSPLANTATION
  • 4364


Wien. med. Presse, 34, 41-43, 1893.

Tendo Achilles bursitis, “Albert’s disease”.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Foot / Ankle
  • 4364.1

Des moyens prothétiques destinés à obtenir la réparation des parties osseuses.

Gaz. Hôp. (Paris), 67, 289-92, 1894.

Total prosthetic replacement of shoulder (p. 291) using an artificial joint made of hardened rubber and platinum. English translation in Bick, Classics of orthopaedics, 443-46.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Devices › Joint Replacement, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Shoulder
  • 4365

The operative treatment of congenital dislocation of the hip-joint.

Trans. Amer. orthop. Ass., (1894), 7, 99-103, 1895.

Lorenz suggested a bloodless method for closed reduction of congenital dislocation of the hip-joint – the “Hoffa–Lorenz” method.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases , ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Hip
  • 4365.1

Un cas de déformation congénitale des quatre membres, plus prononcée aux extrémités, charactérisée par l’allongement des os avec un certain degré d’amincissement.

Bull. Mém. Soc. méd. Hôp. Paris, 3 sér., 13, 220-26, 1896.

“Marfan syndrome”. Marfan described only the skeletal deformities. He called the condition dolichostenomelia. Later writers recorded bilateral ectopia lentis and cardiovascular complications in this syndrome.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › GENETIC DISORDERS › Marfan Syndrome, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases
  • 4366

Deformities: A treatise on orthopaedic surgery.

London: Macmillan, 1896.

Includes a valuable discussion of congenital anomalies of the bones and joints from the orthopedic point of view. Greatly expanded second edition, 2 vols., London, 1912.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases , ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments
  • 4367

Ueber eine seltene Form von Erkrankung der Knochen und Gelenke.

Dtsch. med. Wschr., 23, 152-55, 1897.

“Bruck’s disease” – deformity of bones, multiple fractures, ankylosis of joints, and muscular atrophy.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases
  • 4368

Sur la Spondylose rhizomélique.

Rev. Méd., 18, 285-315, 1898.

Marie described as “spondylose rhizomélique” the ankylosing spondylitis or spondylitis deformans originally reported by Strümpell and called variously “Strümpell’s disease”, “Bechterev’s disease”, “Marie’s disease”.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, RHEUMATOLOGY
  • 4369

Sur la dysostose cléido-crânienne héréditaire.

Rev. neurol. (Paris), 6, 835-38, 1898.

In their important description of cleido-cranial dysostosis, Marie and Sainton gave to it its present name. It was first described by Morand (No. 4302.1) in 1760. English translation in Bick, Classics of orthopaedics, 230-32.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Cranialfacial Disorders, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases , PLASTIC & RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY › Cranialfacial Surgery
  • 4370

Ueber acute Knochenatrophie bei Entzündungsprocessen an den Extremitäten (fälschlich sogenannte Inactivitätsatrophie der Knochen) und ihre Diagnose nach dem Röntgen-Bilde.

Wien. med. Wschr., 51, 1346-48, 1901.

“Kienböck’s atrophy” – acute atrophy of bone in inflammatory conditions of the extremities.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4371

Die Jodoformknochenplombe.

Zbl. Chir., 30, 433-38, 1903.

Use of iodoform to plug bone defects.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments
  • 4372

Projektions-Röntgenbilder einer seltenen Knochenerkrankung.

Fortschr. Röntgenstr., 7, 158-59, 19031904.

First description of osteosclerosis fragilis, marble bones (“Albers-Schönberg disease”).

Subjects: IMAGING › X-ray, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4373

Lesions of the tibial tubercle occurring during adolescence.

Boston med. surg. J., 148, 114-17, 1903.

Osgood was the first to draw attention to a condition of the tibial tuberosity; this is now referred to as “Osgood–Schlatter disease” (see also No. 4374).

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4374

Verletzungen des schnabelförmigen Fortsatzes der oberen Tibia-epiphyse.

Beitr. klin. Chir., 38, 874-87, 1903.

Osgood–Schlatter disease”. A further description of the painful affection of the tibial tuberosity first noted by Osgood.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4375

Les scolioses congénitales.

Paris: Jules Rousset, 1904.

First description of platyspondylia.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Hereditary Disorders of the Skeleton › Platyspondylia, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases › Scoliosis
  • 4375.1

On the means of lengthening in the lower limbs, the muscles and tissues which are shortened through deformity.

Amer. J. orthop. Surg., 2, 353-69, 1905.

First attempt at surgical lengthening of limbs.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases , ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments
  • 4376

Ueber Ablösung von Gelenkteilen und verwandte Prozesse.

Dtsch. Z. Chir., 84, 311-65, 1906.

Büdinger was the first to describe pathological fracture of the cartilage of the patella. See also his later paper in the same journal, 1908, 92, 510-36. Later descriptions by Karl Ludloff, Verh. dtsch. Ges. Chir., 1910, 223-25, and by Arthur Laewen, Beitr. klin. Chir., 1925, 134, 265-307, led to the eponym “Büdinger–Ludloff–Laewen disease”.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Fractures & Dislocations
  • 4376.1

Ueber Osteogenesis imperfecta tarda.

Verh. Dtsch. path. Ges., (1905), 239-42, 1906.

Looser’s syndrome.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases
  • 4377

Ueber eine häufige, bisher anscheinend unbekannte Erkrankung einzelner kindlicher Knochen.

Münch. med. Wschr., 55, 1923-25, 1908.

“Köhler’s disease” of the scaphoid bone of the foot in children. See No. 4387.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases , ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Foot / Ankle, Podiatry
  • 4377.1

Ueber Gelenktransplantation.

Med. Klin., 4, 817-20, 1908.

First osteoarticular joint transplant. English translation in Clin. orthop., 1985, 197, 1-10. See also his paper, "Substitution of whole or half joints from freshly amputated extremities by free plastic operation," Surg. Gynec. Obstet., 1908, 6, 601-07.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments, TRANSPLANTATION
  • 4378

Ueber Nagelextension.

Beitr. klin. Chir., 64, 266-79, 1909.

Kirschner wire, for skeletal traction, and for stabilization of bone fragments or joint immobilization.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Devices, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Spine
  • 4379

Über Luxationen im Bereiche der Handwurzel.

Fortschr. Röntgenstr., 16, 103-15, 19101911.

First description of a slowly progressive osteonecrosis of the lunate bone of the wrist; carpal lunate malacia. (“Kienböck’s disease”).

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4380

An obscure affection of the hip-joint.

Boston med. surg. J., 162, 202-04, 1910.

Juvenile osteochondritis deformans (“Calvé–Legg–Perthes disease”; see also Nos. 4381 and 4382.). Previously described by H. Waldenström, Z. orthop. Chir., 1909, 24, 486.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4381

Sur une forme particulière de pseudo-coxalgie greffée sur des déformations caractéristiques de l’extrémité supérieure du fémur.

Rev. Chir. (Paris), 42, 54-84, 1910.

See No. 4380.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4382

Ueber Arthritis deformans juvenilis.

Dtsch. Z. Chir., 107, 111-59, 1910.

See No. 4380.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, RHEUMATOLOGY › Arthritis
  • 4383

The lumbo-sacral articulation. An explanation of many cases of “lumbago”, “sciatica” and paraplegia.

Boston med. surg. J., 164, 365-72, 1911.

Goldthwait suggested that lumbago and sciatica might be due to intervertebral disc injury.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Chronic Pain › Sciatica, NEUROSURGERY › Spine, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Spine, PAIN / Pain Management
  • 4383.1

An operation for progressive spinal deformities.

N.Y. med. J., 93, 1013-16, 1911.

Spinal fusion first used for the treatment of scoliosis.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Spine
  • 4384

Injury of the spinal cord due to rupture of an intervertebral disc during muscular effort.

Glasg. med. J., 76, 1-6, 1911.

Report of a case of “sciatica” due to rupture of an intervertebral disc.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Chronic Pain › Sciatica, NEUROSURGERY › Spine, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Spine
  • 4384.1

Transplantation of a portion of the tibia into the spine for Pott’s disease. A preliminary report.

J. Amer. med. Ass., 57, 885-86, 1911.

The beginning of bone graft surgery as a planned, carefully designed procedure. Albee was the first to employ living bone grafts as internal splints. See No. 5757.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Bone Grafts, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Spine, TRANSPLANTATION
  • 4385

Dysostose cranio-faciale héréditaire.

Bull. Soc. méd. Hôp. Paris, 3 sér., 33, 545-55., 1912.

First description of cranio-facial dysostosis, hypertelorism (Crouzon's syndrome).

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Cranialfacial Disorders, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases
  • 4386

Un cas d’absence des vertèbres cervicales avec cage thoracique remontant jusqu’à la base du crâne (cage thoracique cervicale).

Nouv. Iconogr. Salpêtr., 25, 223-50, 1912.

“Klippel–Feil syndrome” – absence or incomplete development of cervical vertebrae. English translation in Bick, Classics of orthopaedics, 511-16.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases
  • 4386.01

Infections of the hand: A guide to the surgical treatment of acute and chronic suppurative processes in the fingers, hand, and forearm.

Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1912.

The first comprehensive treatise on hand surgery, and the classic work on tendon and bursal hand spaces relevant to management of hand infections. Kanavel developed the method of forcible injection of radio-opaque material into tendon sheaths and fascial spaces of the hand; this enabled him to find a definite and constant pattern in the way that infectious material spread from sheath to space, and to drain infected areas without damage to important structures. Kanavel's classic work "did more to awaken the surgical conscience to the anatomic intricacies of hand surgery than did almost any other single contribution" (Bick). Kanavel put the work through seven editions between 1912 and 1933. Each successive edition of Kanavel's work bears substantial revisions; together these editions show the evolution of hand surgery over its first twenty years. Boyes, On the Shoulders of Giants, pp. 170-72.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Hand / Wrist, PLASTIC & RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY › Hand, Surgery of
  • 4386.02

Anterior dislocation of the head of the ulna.

Ann. Surg., 56, 802-03, 1912.

Darrach procedure for problems of the distal ulna.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Hand / Wrist
  • 4386.1

Eine seltene, bisher nicht bekannte Strukturanomalie des Skelettes.

Fortschr. Röntgenstr., 23, 174-75, 1915.

First definitive description of osteopoikilosis.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4386.2

La préhension dans les paralysies du nerf cubital et le signe du pouce.

Presse Méd., 23, 409, 1915.

“Froment’s sign” of ulnar nerve paralysis.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4386.3

The physiological method of tendon transplanation.

Surg. Gynecol. Obstet., 22, 182-97, 1916.

Mayer’s method of tendon transfer, using tendon sheaths to preserve the gliding surfaces.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments, TRANSPLANTATION
  • 4387

Eine typische Erkrankung des 2. Metatarsophalangealgelenkes.

Münch. med. Wschr., 67, 1289-90, 1920.

“Köhler’s second disease” – juvenile deforming metatarsophalangeal Osteochondritis. English translation in Amer. J. Roentgenol., 1923, 10,705-10. Also known as “Freiberg’s infraction” or “Freiberg–Köhler disease”.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, Podiatry
  • 4388

Diffuse endothelioma of bone.

Proc. N.Y. path. Soc, n.s. 21, 17-24, 1921.

Ewing described a form of bone sarcoma (“Ewing’s sarcoma”), usually involving the shaft of long bones.

Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Sarcoma › Osteosarcoma, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4388.1

Une maladie congénitale et héréditaire de l’ossification: la pléonostéose familiale.

Bull. Mém. Soc. méd. Hôp. Paris, 3 sér., 45, 1228-30, 1921.

“Léri’s pleonosteosis” first described.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Congenital Rheumatologic Diseases › Leri Pleonosteosis, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases , RHEUMATOLOGY
  • 4388.2

Die Arthroendoskopie.

Zentralbl. Chir., 48, 1460-61, 1921.

First published account of the use of the laparoscope for arthroscopy.

Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Surgical Instruments › Arthroscope, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Knee
  • 4389

Kyphosis dorsalis juvenilis.

Z. orthop. Chir., 41, 305-17, 1921.

“Scheuermann’s disease” – necrosis of the epiphyses of the vertebrae, causing kyphosis.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4390

Nouvelle observation d’acrocéphalosyndactylie.

Bull. Soc. méd. Hôp. Paris, 3 sér., 47, 1672-75, 1923.

With Tixier, Hue, and Kermorgant.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Cranialfacial Disorders, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases
  • 4391

Orthopaedic surgery.

London: H. Frowde, 1923.

Jones was a pupil of Hugh Owen Thomas and a pioneer of active surgical intervention in orthopedics. He advocated tendon transplantation, bone grafting, and other reconstructive and restorative procedures. He did much valuable work during the war of 1914-18, and he is one of the greatest figures in British orthopedics.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments
  • 4392

Hypertelorism. A hitherto undifferentiated congenital cranio-facial deformity.

Edinb. med. J., 31, 560-93, 1924.

First description of hypertelorism as a separate entity.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Cranialfacial Disorders, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases , PLASTIC & RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY › Cranialfacial Surgery
  • 4392.1

The reconstruction operation for arthritis deformans of the hip-joint.

Ann. Surg., 80, 779-785, 1924.

The first sustained attempt to relieve osteoarthrosis of the hip by surgical means other than fusion.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Hip
  • 4393

Bone sarcoma, an interpretation of the nomenclature used by the Committee on the Registry of Bone Sarcoma of the American College of Surgeons.

New York: Paul B. Hoeber, 1925.

Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Sarcoma › Osteosarcoma, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4394

Bone sarcoma. The primary malignant tumors of bone and the giant cell tumor.

Surg. Gynec. Obstet., 44, Suppl., 1-214, 1927.

Based on material collected by the Registry of Bone Sacrcoma in Boston since its foundation in 1921.

Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Sarcoma › Osteosarcoma, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4395

Dissociation of bone growth. (Exostoses and enchondromata, of Ollier’s dyschondroplasia and associated phenomena.) In The Robert Jones Birthday Volume

London: Oxford University Press, 1928.

Jansen’s theory of dissociation of bone growth.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4395.1

Ein Fall von Osteopathia hyperostotica (sclerotisans) multiplex infantilis.

Fortschr. Röntgenstr., 39, 1101-06, 1929.

“Engelmann’s disease”,  also known as "Camurati-Engelmann disease" — a very rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder that causes characteristic anomalies in the skeleton. It is a form of dysplasia, causing osteosclerosis. See No. 7832.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Hereditary Disorders of the Skeleton, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases
  • 4396

Further studies in osteomalacia.

Proc. roy. Soc. Med., 23, 639-52, 19291930.

Maxwell showed osteomalacia to be due to lack of vitamin D.

Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET › Deficiency Diseases, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4397

Sur une forme de dystrophie osseuse familiale.

Arch. Méd. Enf., 32, 129-40; Bull. Soc. Pédiat. Paris, 27, 145-52, 1929.

“Morquio’s disease”, eccentro-osteochondrodysplasia.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Uruguay, ENDOCRINOLOGY, GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Hereditary Endocrinology Disorders, GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Hereditary Endocrinology Disorders › Morquio Syndrome, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases , PEDIATRICS
  • 4397.1

Chondro-osteo-dystrophy. Roentgenographic and clinical features of a child with dislocation of vertebrae.

Amer. J. Surg., 7, 404-10, 1929.

Morquio–Brailsford disease (see No. 4397).

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, PEDIATRICS
  • 4398

Pseudofractures (hunger osteopathy, late rickets, osteomalacia): report of a case.

Amer. J. Roentgenol., 24, 29-37, 1930.

“Milkman’s syndrome”.

Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET › Deficiency Diseases › Rickets, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4399

The treatment of chronic osteomyelitis with the maggot (larva of the blow fly).

J. Bone Jt. Surg., 13, 438-75, 1931.

Larrey observed the therapeutic effect of maggots on wounds; W. S. Baer inaugurated the method of treating osteomyelitis by this means (“Baer therapy”).

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, SURGERY: General › Wound Healing, THERAPEUTICS, THERAPEUTICS › Maggots